Bruh, I can't believe there's actual Bucky/Steve gay porn videos out there, like, straight out porn videos with actors and stuff, lol. I just saw one and wow.

Is there...Captain America and Iron Man too? 🙏
I think I found it??? It's part of this superhero gay porn series that the Bucky/Steve is from. It's more Steve/Tony than Captain America/Iron Man, that Tony though? Sure looks like his whole look and stuff, but I'm unsure...
Damn, the actor who plays Bucky in this porn video is actually pretty hot. Except for the wig. That wig is a disgrace, lmao.
Coming back to this thread to add that the actor playing The Winter Soldier grabs the other actors throat (the Cap actor) while fucking him and I couldn’t believe it. Lol. That guy got method
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