Super excited about men being on the ground fighting for women’s autonomy!
Gonna make a new rant, I guess.

I've made it before.
Women--yes, capital W--have been hamstrung by the pandemic.
I don't have any answers as to WHY.

I only know the data.
I know that data is really impersonal, so people--MEN--don't identify with it.
But personally speaking, the burden of the New Reality of the Pandemic has fallen upon women.
We care for elders, we care for children. We still--at least on paper--have jobs, but we're the ones expected to sacrifice for "the family."
And maybe we are expected to do so because we ACTUALLY make that sacrifice.

So many women I know have lost everything to take care of their families right now.
It's not that we DON'T want to take care of them; it's that we don't want to be the sacrifices en toto.
We're being hit from all sides. Transgender women are being murdered. Poor women are being denied anything from the recovery.
All women are having their bodies claimed by the State, and then denied autonomy because we're supposed to provide "burial" for a clump of cells.
Assault upon Asian women has become a national crisis.
If you want to understand the trajectory of fascism, look at the trajectory of laws about women.

Women's bodies, autonomy, healthcare.
We--all of us, varying according to class, race, gender identity--coming up short across the board.
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