Hey Good People, this is my first thread. I recently finished reading "Atomic Habits". I am sharing the thoughts that I loved the most in this book.

There we go 👇
1/ It doesn't matter how successful or unsuccessful you are right now. What matters is whether your habits are putting you on the path towards success.
2/ Quote hanging in San Antonio Spur's(NBA team) dressing room "When nothing seems to help I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a 100 times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the 101th blow it will spill in two,
And I know it was not that last blow that did it- but all that had gone before".

That's why they say success never comes overnight.
3/When you fall in love with the process rather than the product, you dont have to wait to give yourself permission to be happy.

Always focus on the Process more than results.
4/ This will always keep you going. Keep this in mind and it really helps to form habits.
5/Habits can help you achieve things, but fundamentally they are not about having something. They are about becoming someone.
6/The goal is to make the time and location so obvious that, with enough repetition, you get an urge to do the right thing at right time, even if you cant say why.
For e.g.if u wanna read a book keep it at a place that its easily visible and u will surely read it, then fix time.
7/ The key is to tie your desired behaviour into something you already do each day.

For example,
-After I pour my cup of coffee each morning I will meditate for 10 mins.
-Before watching the T.V. at evening I will workout.
8/ A stable environment where everything has a place and purpose is an environment where habits can easily form.

Make sure u have a decided place to do all activities that u desire to complete.
9/ When changing your habits means challenging the tribe, change is unattractive. When changing your habits means fitting in with the tribe, change is very attractive.
Say that you want to be among those who read a lot and reading will become a habit easily.
10/ If you want to build a workout routine. Instead of telling yourself "I need to go to run in the morning", say "It's time to build up endurance and get fast"

Tip. Never miss it on straight two days.
11/ Many habits occur at decisive moments-choices that are like a fork in the road-and either send you in the direction of a productive or an unproductive day.

Have a productive day today 😀🙌
12/ It almost always happens that when the immediate consequence is favourable, the later consequences are disastrous, and vice versa.... Often, the sweeter the first fruit of a habit, the more bitter are its later fruits.
Our brain overestimates the danger that seems like an immediate threat but has rare chances of occuring, say a plane crash.
Brain underestimates what appears to be distant threat but has all chances of occuring, say the ill effects of addictions like tobacoo, alcohol, etc.
13/ Add a little bit of immediate pleasure to habits that pay-off in long run.
For example, like listening to your favourite music while running or workout. Treat yourself with your favourite fruit at the end of your meal if u manage to follow your diet.
14/ Track your habits. When u see that you are making progress you are more likely to continue the habit.
15/ To be productive, the cost of procrastination must be greater than the cost of exercise. Ask someone a friend/family member/someone else to keep a check.

Also, knowing someone else is watching you can be a powerful motivator.
16/ "Until you work as hard as those you admire, dont explain away their success as luck"

17/Everyone gets bored at some point. Its about who can handle boredom and still do what needs to be done. Fall in LOVE with boredom.
18/ Stepping up when its annoying/painful/draining to do so, is what makes a difference between a professional and an amateur.

Also, stick to your habits. Everything takes time. Wishing you all the good Habits 🙌😀
19/ This was a great book by @JamesClear sir. I would like to Thank him for this experience.I read this after watching @warikoo sir's video. I would be happy even if I could follow not all but at least few of these things.
Thanks for reading. If you liked this thread please retweet the first tweet in this thread. I wont say that this thread is a summary coz the book is so much more than this and you should read it once for sure.
This was my first thread. Hope u enjoyed it. Let me know what u liked and what you did not like.

Thanks for reading. :)
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