I've seen multiple tweets saying motherhood is the MOST sacred experience & the the MOST special gift ever & you know what, chill a bit peeps. I love mine, but yeah, kids are kids & exhausting & time consuming & expensive. Which is totally fine & the truth.
Also, being an Auntie is a-ma-zing, all the perks & no potty training. Who's winning, you are Auntie! You've got pets that you lavish love on? Doggos, Kittehs, Birbles & Sneks, perfect. Keep it up. Those lucky fur, feather & scale bebes they adore you. đŸ„°
No pets & not an Auntie, where are you going? Um, anywhere you goddamn want to. See the world possibly & pursue all of YOUR dreams! Motherhood isn't the most valuable goal, no matter what society tells you. We see you Goddesses & we adore & respect you.
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