Currently watching yesterday's SNL episode. Not even in the first five minutes and I can already feel the pain. Thread coming soon as I watch it:
So they're talking to their moms (they did a mother's day tribute) and it's supposed to feel intimate and stuff but they're reading off of cue cards and/or teleprompters and looking at the camera while doing so, and it feels off bc they aren't looking at each other. Really weird.
Their acting is terrible. And I don't just mean the moms. All of them. What a bad start.
"COVID-19 friendly".png
And now's time for the part of the show where things are about to take a nasty turn.
Lukewarm jokes. Audience pretty much faking it. This is the SNL I know and hate so far.
Oh yeah, now they're talking about his son. Not a single joke said at this part is original.
More blatant slow-talking-teleprompter-reading tone of voice.
Elon's mom: "I'm excited for my mother's day gift, but I hope it's not Dogecoin."

Elon: "It is."

Yep, this is where all of the Dogecoin investors officially checked out. Well done, Elon. You blew it.
And that's it for the monologue.
*one commercial break later*

Oh god.
this is so terrible im legitimately getting tears in my eyes. I never knew such a thing was possible until now.
I have legitimately never seen something so unfunny that it MAKES ME CRY. NEVER KNEW THAT COULD EVEN HAPPEN, WHAT THE FUCK.
That Supreme urn visual gag is the only joke that lands in this entire bit. God.
It's gotten so unfunny you can tell the audience has given up trying to fake their laughs.
Bad acting + bad jokes = Disaster

The audience isn't even laughing much anymore.
...they made a fucking inc*st joke. Why. Why would you do that.
The guy was deliberately trying to get away with dating his cousin. Big wtf moment there.
On to the next bit, oh my GOD, they do not want to let their dead joke go. Fuck off. Please.
And now they have a bootleg Steve Buscemi because... reasons.
...and they're going on with the cousin bit, please for the love of god, let the joke die.
I present to you: the prequel to The Rural Juror.
That was unfunny too but that bit is done now. On to a musical performance that I'm going to be skipping because it's not what I'm here for.
They're taking jabs at Elon in Weekend Update now. Seems like the writers kind of resent him and frankly I don't blame them lol
Some of the only decent jokes reside here. It's no wonder they just let Seth Meyers have his own show rather than letting all of his good material sit among the crap.
"It was announced that Verizon will sell AOL and Yahoo, I assume to the year 1998."

Not gonna lie, I liked that one.
Nothing notable about this one, I just like the timing of the pause.
Yeah, of course they have Elon on to explain cryptocurrencies.
"Call me The Dogefather."

There's really nothing else I need to say to that one...
Elon claims ownership of 96.581196581% percent of all Dogecoin supply, live on television. *not clickbait* *shocker*
"It's an unstoppable financial vehicle that's going to take over the world."

I don't know what's scarier, the fact that this line sounds like a joke when it might not be, or the fact that Elon delivered the line straight, as if he really meant it.
"A New Jersey woman has filed a lawsuit against McDonalds claiming that a burger wrapper she received was smeared with excrement. In fairness, she ordered the #2" please no. I'd say "You can do better than this," but that would be if it was any writing team other than SNL
no words. just pain. and suffering.
@AbbyIsATabby hey look a sequel to Spaceballs
A real image put on network television, ladies and gentlemen.
Gotta have that trademark cheesy SNL establishing shot.
oh no, it's this bit...
Elon Musk as Wario looks like a shitpost.
he sounds nothing like Wario btw he sounds like a knock-off Mario if anything. Not even trying to go for a gruff, deep voice or anything like the real deal.
oh my fucking god they just mentioned the Mario Wiki
>says "Mario Wiki"
>shows "WarioWiki"

that is a real screenshot of a real wiki, btw.
i also left them a note lol
oh btw the quote they claim is from that wiki page isn't actually from that wiki page. seems like the SNL writers just made it up
le Shitpost part II
small detail but I love how the emblem in the background of the courtroom is a Paper Mario reference.

Hey, if the SNL writers can't get references right, at least the prop crew can!
"Hello, I'm Governor Andrew Cuomo." "And I'm Wario." "And we are two misunderstood Italian Americans."

Andrew Cuomo literally comes out of nowhere (besides, this is TOAD TOWN, remember? not New York City)

le Shitpost part III
Right, right, of course we have another bit cashing in on the big name of the host, because what else would it be?
Oh cool, they're installing tmux.
Still installing tmux. Dang, it's really taking them this long? Come on guys, it's simple. Maybe if you're installing tmux, you should at least have an idea of how the Terminal works in the first place!
Cue another musical performance I don't care about enough to watch.
Another cheap cash-in joke.
"Leron sounds pretty rich- I mean smart"

another jab at Elon, this time he's in the same room so it's meaningless.
le Shitpost IV
All of you were literally unmasked earlier, why do you want to pretend to be listening to the mask mandate now?
Leave it behind, Lorne. It's dead now.
I know I made a 30 Rock joke in this thread, but I just wanted to say that this show has devolved into what 30 Rock was satirizing: an exaggerated, pretty much shittier version of SNL. That's what SNL today has become.

Great job, guys. Well done. Now cancel the show.
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