What about...

Kiri and Kami finding out Katsuki's phone password and prank texting someone on his phone. They see a contact under the name "Deku" with no texts. They decided that it was okay for them to fuck around a little and send: "Hey, I miss you. Let's catch up."
Only to get the response: "Fuck off."

They laugh, thinking that maybe it's just an old classmate that's similar to Katsuki himself.

"C'mon, I love you so much. Give me a chance."

"You really are the worst, Bakugou. Is this your way of trying to make up for how you treated me?"
Kirishima and Kaminari stop laughing as they read the response... Who really was Deku? And who were they to Katsuki? Did they make whatever was going on between them worse?

"Or maybe this is another one of your sick jokes to mock me. Either way, I don't care. You made it clear-
how little you wanted me in your life. Do both of us a favor and practice what you preach so that I won't ever have to hear from you again."

When they had tried to explain that it wasn't Katsuki that texted them, the message wouldn't send.

Katsuki had been blocked by 'Deku'.
Kirishima and Kaminari awkwardly looked at each other, a tense silence between them.

"... Haha, let's delete the messages and act like this never happened?" Kaminari suggested half heartedly.

"... I think we might actually have to tell him about this..." Kirishima winced.
"Tell me about what?" A shadow loomed over them.

Kaminari and Kirishima turned around to face a very annoyed Bakugou Katsuki.

Now, when Katsuki found out his phone was missing after he came out the showers, he knew it had to be Kaminari and Kirishima who had been acting-
extremely suspicious beforehand.

He was an annoyed, sure. But he didn't have anything to hide on there, so he really wasn't too upset.

He found the idiots huddled together, hushed voices a little panicked.

He rolled his eyes, what's the worse they could do?
Kirishima gulped, "U- Uhm..."

Katsuki scoffed, "Just give me the damn phone, Shit-"

When he went to reach it, Kirishima immediately pulled it away and clutched it to his chest.

The blonde's brow twitched, "Ei, give me the damn phone."

"We... Uh... We, uhm, texted someone...-
on your phone." Kaminari said shakily.

"... Who?" Katsuki glared.

"... Deku?"

Katsuki immediately tensed and hastily swiped his phone from Kirishima before looking through the text messages, his expression carefully stoic.

"We're so sorry!" Kirishima cried, quirk activating-
in preparation, "Please don't kill us! We didn't know!"

Except... Katsuki didn't lash out.

He didn't yell, or punch, or blast them across the room.

"Leave me the fuck alone." He said, voice strained and quiet as he turned away.

Kaminari and Kirishima didn't miss the way-
his voice cracked as they sat there dumbfounded.

... Was that a tear that Katsuki just wiped away?

Who really was Deku? And what were they to Katsuki?
TBC? lmk what u think! :-)
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