Problem of meme is that it focuses on tactics at expense of political strategy. Most Cold War groups took a bastardized version of Mao's People's War and promptly failed b/c they were actually (& ironically) not in touch w/ the people. Legitimacy matters. Read the room. 1/
The whole goal of a small guerrilla cell is to metastasize into a rebel group into a nation-state like CCP. Shutting down a country is not the same as revolution. If the people don't join-- theories won't help. Which leads to legitimacy. The FLN, the Viet Minh had legitimacy. 2/
But lots of groups they fail. So if a hundred insurgents can shut down country-- it's also possible that they can cause the deaths of thousands of innocent citizens & themselves be crushed. Go ask Che Guevara. 3/3
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