Back when I played Magic more regularly, I always loved control decks most of all, especially mill decks. Because they're slow in a game dominated by fast decks, getting them to work is very satisfying

The archetype should be removed entirely and permanently.
Having played many other games since the days when I was really into Magic, I've realized that what I liked about the archetype was that it allowed me to express an form of extreme sadism, things which I have worked for years to scrub from myself in every other part of my life.
It's not a game mechanic, it's the use of your resources to declare there will not be game mechanics going forward. It's attempting to win by removing your opponent from it on turn 2.

It ruins the game by FORCING fast decks to be the dominant paradigm. RDW bc it has to beat mill
There is no time this is more obvious, even to control players, than when they get in a match with another control deck.

You've both sat down and agreed not to play Magic as long as the other guy doesn't either. For the next hour. Probably a forfeit due to boredom.
It's just incredibly poor game design, and I think Wizards knows it, which is why they try to really hard to make blue about other things, like flying, or whatever magic-for-its-own-sake themed keywords they invented for this set.

But they can't get rid of it, it's too popular.
It's too popular because that sadism outlet is part of why people are in the game, regardless of whether they play control or not. Magic, despite being the 800 lb. gorilla of its genre, will always be a niche product because it caters to niche people, who *should* be niche.
Although I never stop thinking about it, although I never stop coming back, I can't ever stick to it like I did back in the day, and I think this is why.

Yeah, I'm not as good at the game as I used to be. To be good at it, you need to be a fucking bastard.
ftr: sadism outlets are good and important

hobby-grade sadism outlets are ways to discover people you wish you didn't
How do I know?

Most people wish they didn't know me. Something I started noticing the most when I played Magic.
confirmed by another probably-not-recovering off-and-on M:tG player
if anyone comes in here mad at me and trying to defend magic you first need to understand that

1) I haven't uninstalled Arena

2) I'm still planning to build a control deck once I have enough cards again

3) I know this thread is true because I'm the bad guy

I'm sorry
Liliana and Jace are mommy and daddy and I can't really do anything about that now but you should all save yourselves while you still can
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