Manifesting that this fall I’ll be trying to skim my reading on my way to pro-sem as I walk down palm walk and I bump into a boy and my glasses and books fall and even tho it was my fault he apologizes and helps me up. I thank him but have to hurry away
Then later that week I’m attending a Graduate and Post-Secondary Student Association meeting and see him and he introduces himself to the meeting as a PhD in STEM. He sees me and smiles. After the meeting he comes up to me and asks me if I got to wherever I was going
I tell him I did, and he asks me if I want to get coffee sometime. Trying not to come off desperate, i respond yes (emphatically), giggle, snort and push up my glasses. So of course we go to the MU Starbucks. I order a black coffee and he orders a Frappuccino with extra whip.
I start things off right and lecture him about how much sugar is in his order. He torts back and asks me what my grad degree is in. I tell him education policy. He asks me what makes me more qualified than him to talk about sugar content. I’m speechless because he came for me
I sip my black coffee, regretting ever going on this date. Sensing I’m upset, he laughs. I roll my eyes, but I’ve grown up a bit, so I take a deep breath and ask him what he does in his PhD.
He says a fancy STEM word and immediately I feel the urge to get use of my undergraduate degree in a dead language. I tell him what I think the meaning of the word is, based on Latin, and he smiles again and asks how I knew.
That’s as far as I’ve gotten with the manifesting (was doing it on my hike) but let me know if you need the rest
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