I didn't want to write this thread, but it seems the best way to expose a clown, check a fool, and inform an idiot on this forum, is by writing one.

⚠️Trigger Warning: If you're offended by facts, receipts, and logic, this thread may offend you.
First and foremost, I'm starting to see too many young dickheads ( #Respectfully) using the term "afrocentrist" as a pejorative, in the same way other folks #onhere are using "hotep."
The irony is, by using afrocentric in this way, all your doing is helping to advance the 40-year onslaught against Black Studies, by making a caricature of one of the most fully developed systems of Black thought to be produced by the discipline.
Afrocentricity is not a religion, cult, style of dress, or a gang. It's a methodological framework, developed to examine all phenomena that touch the life of the African person.

(note. We don't use the term afrocentrism)
The Afrocentric idea was one of two intellectual traditions, (the other being African-Centeredness) produced by the Black Studies movement, to challenge all forms of domination that impact the lives of African people.
Both traditions have been on the receiving end of disinformation campaigns by academic & religious institutions (and personalities), due to the production of knowledge that demonstrates how these institutions have, and continue to assist in our enslavement, and domination.
Dr. Asa Hilliard has a great lecture called "Attack on Africans writing their history," which was given during the ASCAC conference circa 1996/1998.
The disinformation put out about Dr. John Henrik Clarke by @DabSquad_Slank, is nothing more than a continuation of the anti-African zealotry, that has become the hallmark of academic, and religious institutions, seeking to save face when presented with inconvenient truths.
How arrogant can you be to call one of our greatest scholars, and historians a liar, as if his conclusions pertaining to the history of African people & Islam were reached using a single source?
Never mind the fact that if you search his name, and your @ all you'll see is tweet after tweet, where you're using his quotes to support your arguments. But, according to you, when it comes to Islam, he's a liar. Even though you agree with his position on the Hamitic Myth:
But I guess in your mind, the Hamitic Myth was only used by the "white man" to justify the enslavement of African people. https://twitter.com/xspotsdamark/status/1391465188742860806?s=20
Anyway, ignoring the joke of a source you used to try discrediting Dr. Clarke; you wrote in your rebuttal that "his sources," PLURAL, "were racist writings of British colonial propagandist," and then preceded to produce one source, as if we don't know what a genetic fallacy is.
That's not how scholarship works. If you want to disprove his claims, show us the SOURCES he referenced, that you claim are lies, and then demonstrate how they are false. Someone being racist, doesn't make their account false.
You act as if Dr. Clarke didn't have the discernment to account for biases in his source of information, which again, was used as a corroborating fact, not the single source of evidence on which he based his claims.

This shit is real remedial smh.
Your second source, that you're attempting to use to invalidate Dr. Clarke, is a minister in the Nation of Islam, whose been on a public campaign against Afrocentricity and Black Studies, for the past 10 years, because according to him they tell lies about Islam.
During his "Saviours' Day" remarks of 2011, Dr. Wesley Muhammad literally opened up his address with the following statement:
"Our own children are being kidnapped by ideologies other than Islam... Gangs, Afrocentricity, or the so-called culture of Hip Hop... We're losing our children to all of these other ideologies."
The following "Saviours' Day" his remarks were dedicated to discrediting Dr. Chancellor Williams.
He then went on the @breakfastclubam and told the world that Africana Studies was a Bull Shit degree. Without mentioning, the personal jihad he's been waging against the discipline, for more than a decade.
The fact of the matter is, no Afrocentric scholar has a personal beef against any religion. We examine the history, and let the facts speak for themselves. But this attempt to discredit and defame Dr. Clarke and Dr. Williams, who've never professed to being afrocentric,...
...is a personal vendetta (jihad) that you, and other "believers" are seeking to carry out, as if the evidence against Abrahamic religions, rests on the scholarship of Dr. Williams and Dr. Clarke.
I was able to give an entire lecture on the topic ("Abrahamic wars against Africa"), without referencing either of these great African giants, or their scholarship, because the historical record is so replete with evidence that supports the claim.
I told my sister @AfrikanEsq that I'd be more than happy to participate in an open forum on this topic, but I hope other participants will bring more than slander and disinformation to the table, because what I'm seeing #onhere aint it. https://twitter.com/OmowaleAfrika/status/1390471137600184322?s=20
The truth needs no attorney, because it always speaks for itself.

That being said.

I said what I said.

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