“The only way to survive these times is if you have a meditation practice.” - Gabby Bernstein, 2016

Five years after this statement was made, it is truer now more than ever.

By all measure, the outside world seems to be growing evermore chaotic and confusing by the day.
On the whole, we are more distracted, more anxious, and more at odds with one another than ever before.

Our sense of security, stability, and community is shaken.

Peace of mind is difficult to come by.

Nothing feels constant or reliable.
For this reason, or many more, we need to create a place within ourselves wherein we can find refuge.

We need to build a home of deep quiet and calm into which we can withdraw for rest and comfort.

Action alone is not enough to bring us peace.

We have to learn to be still.
Exactly how we do this and where this source of stillness comes from is a whole other much more complex, or at least contentious, topic for discussion.
There many ways to meditate and there are many theological, spiritual, and scientific beliefs around what is happening and why it works.
My goal is not to tell anyone what path to take or why, but, for those who are curious, my personal path, my calling, if you will, has taken me to the contemplative prayer tradition of the Christian mystics.
After having tried many different methods over the years with as many different intentions, this is where I have found my home.
My great hope is that more people begin to seek out a meditation practice of their own, for their own sake, for the sake of the world around us, and, if it feels true to you, for God who may be calling you to contemplation as I feel I have been called.
We all need a little bit of peace, comfort, and solace these days, and this seems to be a simple, albeit not necessarily easy, way to start.
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