Why @TheAhmedShariff supports Central Vista Proj:
As many are blinded by unconditional love for Modi-BJP, so are many blinded by TOXIC HATE for Modi-BJP; this clouds their judgement, n prevents them from thinking logically n objectively:
It is NOT a money problem; India has more than enough money to deal with crisis, problem is: stuff is just not available! Global supply chains have been disrupted, countries are unwilling to part with resources b/c they are undergoing crises of their own..
n even if business here is trying to mfg vaccines locally, they are being discouraged b/c some armchair economists insist “tHe pRicE is ToO high.” India has too many activists n “intellectuals” n too few professionals who can actually contribute anything of value.
Rs 20K Cr spending is spread out over several yrs. It looks like a lot of money, but it’s a drop in bucket vs govt esp on COVID relief. Government has announced literally 100x as much money under the Aatmanirbhar scheme for COVID relief. This is NOT a money problem.
20K cr is being injected into econ; w/give business to firms in cement, steel, constr material, engg, design etc, n enable them to pay staff salaries n most imp – give jobs to bottom-tier laborers/masons, most vulnerable in these tough times n ensure their livelihood/survival.
Not everybody has luxury of WFH. Govt-backed mega-projects like this n dedicated freight corridor w/keep econ activity alive n save us from econ ruin.
Yes, this may be not a most econ-friendly govt, but they’ve got this one right.
Why not just give away that money?
1. People rather w/work than live on handouts
2. That’s not how economics works. Money transactions m/b backed by some G&S, otherwise it’s just paper. Rupee w/b devalued so u w/hv money, but it won’t be worth much. Economy will collapse.
yes; has been pending for a long time. Parliament is an old decrepit building n govt is “scattered”, with most ministries operating out of rented space for which Rs1K cr of OUR TAX MONEY is being spent annually.
This proj w/bring all 51 ministries under one roof n save all that money n make govt more efficient - hopefully.
BTW, members of ALL political parties have been calling for this since forever, not just current govt.
Why not instd use this money for free vaccines?
Vaccines ARE being given for free at govt facilities. Again, NOT a money problem but there is no supply of vaccines! India has an overpopulation problem: 130 crore people – a huge liability as we are finding out unfortunately.
Sheer size of our population means even a small % translates into a HUGE number n let's not downplay effect of even ONE death. For us, it's a statistic. For someone else, it's their life.
Yes, India sent vaccines to other countries when we had a surplus..to build goodwill n have THEM send us material help when we need it now. But was this a good decision? Who knows? Everything is 20/20 in hindsight. Nobody c/hv anticipated it w/be this bad.
Why not build hospitals n temp facilities?
Factories n hospitals are complex facilities with highly specialized equip n can't just materialize overnight; it takes time, esp in India with inefficient admin n a (large) unskilled workforce.
Modi must resign!
Yes, political instability is EXACTLY what we need at a time like this.
And, howsover bad (or good) one thinks incumbent leadership is, what guarantee is there that replacement will be any better?
How much u like/hate current govt, don’t let prejudice n petty politics cloud judgment n prevent from recognizing a good idea. Let us look beyond politics, stand united n make best decisions we can n hopefully we’ll get over this nightmare soon. Stay safe!
- @TheAhmedShariff
What prevents OGs in Modi IT/Intellectual/Media Cell (Hell Cells?) write such well-reasoned response (also to govt-bashing, a lot tho not all is not based in facts, that has flooded media recently)? Only if they c/get away from obsession with JLN/PappuG to K-Bapuji.
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