The way networks don't be telling you the time their little programs come on anymore, and I got to be out here trawling Google for a simple airtime. I need y'all to stop getting interns who were born after 1998.
I like I understand that in the age of streaming, time is meaningless, globalism, etc, etc. But if I have to click on eight articles to find what time your show airs, I shan't be watching anymore. Enough! A simple EST/CST will suffice!
I know it seems extraneous, but if you are going to make your content available at a certain time on a certain day, then you should tell your audience what that certain time and certain day are. On the internet. Like they used to do in the olden days.
Got me over here googling HBO schedule tonight like some kind of desperate monster. GROW UP.
The way they had me on here every week like "THE UNDOING AIRTIME WHEN?" I mean truly. You are a media entity! Grow up!
See y'all right back here next week when I have to click on the same eight articles to figure out what time Kate Winslet of Pennsylvania airs.
HBO can make a white lady ride a magic dragon, but it can't tell me what time to watch Kate Winslet solve mysteries! Make it make sense!
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