Out of interest: if you have a blob of JSON on your clipboard and you want to see a pretty-printed version of it, what's your fastest way to do that?
I hit Shift+Command+N in VSCode to get a new window, paste it in there, then hit Shift+Command+P to get the command palette, type JS and select the JSON pretty print option - which I think I installed as an extension at some point
Other times I'll use "pbpaste | jq", occasionally I'll use ipython like so:

s = """<paste JSON here>"""
import json
print(json.dumps(json.loads(s), indent=2))
It's delightful how varied the answers to this are - I have a hunch that every programmer has a habit for this and they vary greatly
TIL macOS ships with a json_pp command pre-installed! https://twitter.com/andrewdupont/status/1391559998849703939
OK this is cool... DuckDuckGo provides an interactive JSON formatter (and validator) if you run a search for "json formatter"

I wonder how many other developer tools they have tucked away like that one? https://twitter.com/careyhimself/status/1391565915825741824
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