thinking bout the scene between emily & her mother when ambassador prentiss says “i doubt myself all the time, emily” & how emily is simply floored & you can visibly see her realize that her mother is a human w/ feelings & that maybe she’s been holding an old grudge for too long
i just think that relationship is so interesting and i wish it could’ve been explored more, bc clearly there was a lot of strained energy and maybe some unaddressed aggravations that had not been dealt with in years — possibly since Emily‘s early college days
like her mother is clearly withholding, and very judgmental. but it was so brave for Emily to kind of just sidestep her anxieties and offer to go to dinner with someone who, perhaps, wasn’t AS MUCH of a monster as she remembered her to be….
and also that whole “honor among thieves” episode you can really see her maybe falling back into old habits, esp with the tone that she talks to her mother in— kinda defensive. like she had to be that way so often growing up, it became their standard
but then like— elizabeth’s uncertainty of not having an assignment was ultimately what that relationship needed bc it forced her to really be vulnerable and lenient with herself, revealing attributes that her daughter probably was searching for all along
so i think they might’ve started to smooth things over at that little dinner they had. ofc we don’t know what “things” were, only that there was tension there from years ago…. but there was so much room to explore the complicated and complex nature of that relationship
and yes i’m rambling at this point, but anyway i just think scene is great and that it would’ve been a moment if the Ambassador had made an appearance in the later seasons…. you know… to meet up with her Director of a daughter
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