☑️Completed: Hitagi End

Masterclass Finish To a Masterclass Season

Brief Thoughts down below if you care (SPOILERS obviously)
The season started out with what'd be one of my fav dynamics in the series

Hitagi-Kaiki's convos were not only snappy and fun to watch but they always carried an element of intrigue in regards to the past they shared which had been built up in both Bake & Nise

ISIN brilliance
We move onto Kaiki himself, who's just an outstanding character

I always loved his take on life and his amazing presence but this arc was where he truly shone for me and became a strong favourite

Seeing the world from his POV was a very enticing experience to say the least

She really is the peak of ISIN's writing for me cause her character was slowly built up with her every involvement

Bake established her base character & Nise in a scene which seemed completely irrelevant at first, introduced her "forbidden" closet
NM fleshed out her insecurities which was hinted previously by giving her POV & culminated with that worldie of a final ep

And just when we thought we were understanding her character, HE shook us with yet another twist to the tale with that final Nadeko-Kaiki convo

Speaking of the final scene.....

Like what do I even say about this lmao

It was the perfect conclusion to the arc, my Top 2 characters and finally the season itself

Even me emotional and was undoubtedly the peak of Monogatari

I really liked how this convo not only enhanced Nadeko's character but also Kaiki's whose true nature had been revealed in that encounter with Yotsugi

He's not evil but just is a man trying to survive in this cruel world through his own means, however despicable they may be
Kaiki is also a strong favourite for me now after this arc and becomes the second Mono character to be inducted into my favs after Nadeko

Nadeko's position has also gone up for me

Here's where they place on my Anilist character rankings if you care
So yeah Monogatari SS is a clear 10/10 for me

It's added to my favs but Idk where it's placement is gonna be as of now so I'll decide after I'm completely caught up with the anime adaptation
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