as someone who has not only a pisces moon, mars, & was minutes away from being a pisces rising. i’m not like your typical pisces placement due to the interception in my first & seventh house.

a thread on interception:
so in this thread i’ll cover a couple things: my childhood, intercepted signs, & how real astrology is.
to start this thread, interception is basically when you have a sign swallowed up whole in a house. when you have an interception, there will be 3 signs in that house instead of 2. The sign intercepted, you will have issues with expressing the energy of that sign.
and if you have planets in that interception, you will struggle with what that planet represents.

example: moon in an intercepted sign? you’ll find yourself repressing your feelings.
with interceptions, it ALWAYS comes in pairs as the following:

sign pairs:

aries - libra
taurus - scorpio
gemini - sagittarius
cancer - capricorn
leo - aquarius
virgo - pisces
house pairs:

1H - 7H
2H - 8H
3H - 9H
4H - 10H
5H - 11H
6H - 12H
now, with interceptions, it ties into your childhood. the energy of the planet & sign intercepted is said to be energy you didn’t receive as a child. it indicates there were issues in your home environment regarding that energy. i’ll get into that with my chart!
so here’s my interception. pisces 1H - virgo 7H. intercepted. i have no virgo placements BUT i have pisces placements. i have an intercepted moon and mars all in pisces. with an intercepted moon, growing up, i struggled showing emotion.
it’s only until recently that i’ve been tapping into my emotions a little bit but i’m still pretty rough as a rock. with an intercepted mars, i have a hard time dealing with frustration & anger. i literally wait until the last straw & then i start yelling & shouting.
times throughout my childhood & even up until 2 days ago, i would have “random” outbursts because i’m literally tired of keeping everything in. one little thing & all of a sudden i’m yelling, frustrated as hell.
speaking of waiting until the last straw, with intercepted signs + planets & struggling to express those intercepted signs + planets, when you finally express those energies, it does not go too well. when finally expressed, it’s like a shaken soda can that exploded when opened.
tying this into my home life growing up, both my intercepted mars & moon. i have a sibling who had HORRIBLE anger issues. and me, being 13 years younger than this sibling, I was genuinely afraid of them. and with other environments, i was picked on a lot & treated as the “other.”
in those other environments, i was not able to express myself nor my feelings. this intercepted pisces moon & intercepted 7H showed its ass forreal when i was in middle school! with an intercepted 7H, i struggle to form relationships (more so romantic).
l literally have no friends from middle school. i have so many horrific stories with the “friends” i had, it’s not even funny. throughout my schooling career, all the friends I ever had (except my best friend) invalidated my feelings when it came to ANYTHING.
example: i remember back in 8th grade, we were on this school trip. I acted like i went to bed. at the time, i was dealing with my first love. my “friends” said that i was stupid as hell and dumb for dealing with him & said other rude things about me.
another example: i was literally ganged up on at a sleepover at a “friend” house in 8th grade. Anyways. 😗
but not only does the 7H interception gives me trouble with forming relationships, my capricorn chiron in the 11H also gives insight as to WHY my friendships may be failing. i use astrology as a tool to be more self aware so i won’t continue to make the same mistake.
how does this ties in with my pisces placements? let’s talk about pisces energy. since pisces deals with delusion, imagination, fakeness, etc. it is easy to come to the conclusion that pisces placements are vulnerable to deception.
i feel it’s easy for pisces placements to easily give people the benefit of the doubt.

intercepted pisces mars + moon — holding my tongue. i don’t want to say how i feel bc i don’t want to be scolded for how i feel. I also don’t know where i belong. I don’t know where i fit in.
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