Yes. And the Empathising-Systematising theory of psychological sex differences is very useful for understanding current fault-lines in culture wars & how these manifest in industries which sort people according to their traits
Women tend to be higher in "EQ" (Empathy Quotient) & men tend to be higher in "SQ" (Systems Quotient). This is reflected in average sex differences in occupational preference, (i.e. more women choose preschool teaching & more men chose computer science, etc)
How does this affect the culture wars you ask? My prediction is that different moral frameworks appeal to people according to where they sit on the E-S spectrum. Utilitarianism is a "systematising" moral philosophy;
By contrast, Care Ethics, developed by Carol Gilligan is an "empathising" moral framework. Arguably, Utilitarianism (& older Religious moral codes) have gone out of fashion in the West, & are being replaced by Care-which supplants rationality with feelings
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