I agree with this thread, especially Umbrals.

What made Umbrals great in Arrivals was that you were rewarded for playing the game, however you wanted.

Go play, get Umbrals, get Altered Elements, use them to focus, get specific reward.

It felt amazing, such a great way to farm. https://twitter.com/Nemplays/status/1391486857813315589
But in Chosen, it became super convoluted and insanely time consuming.

Go do Playlists (10-20mins) for Cabal Gold (max 84), use the to charge Hammer (14 each), go do BG (10-20mins), bang Chest, get Charge.

Go do that 10 times max.

Some focus cost 5 Charges, so do the math.
Not only that, but when focusing, the possible rolls and possible weapons are such a wide range, it's so difficult to get what you want "quickly".

(I say quickly while referring to the previous math of getting Charges, not in timeline.)

Arrival Umbrals were usually 2 weapons.
Or whatever other rolls (I mainly focused weapons, so I don't remember everything).

The beginning of the season in Arr. was a grind (as expected), as you leveled up the Recaster and grinded Altered Els.

But towards the end, if you were like me, you had an insane stack of Els.
And it made it that much better, because again, all I had to do was PLAY however I wanted, I would get Umbrals, and then I would focus them, have a 50-50 chance of getting the right weapon, and then it was up to RNG for the roll.


That was why I loved Umbrals.
I was getting rewarded in specific ways, simply because I was playing the game.

Now, when I get Umbrals, I just open them.

I don't focus them anymore, because the cost is not worth my time, and neither is the reward, because my chances of getting what I want are abysmal.
Anyway, this whole thread to say that while I still love the idea of Umbrals, I feel that this iteration took away everything that made them so great in Arrivals.

Let me play how I want, and reward me for playing the game.

Just give me incentive to play the Seasonal Activity.
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