Sing “Yesterday” For Me: a thread‼️(with pictures and gifs) 1/18
As promised, here’s another underrated anime series no one is talking abt. If you’re new to my threads, welcome! I post (semi) underrated anime at least once a month. And if you’re not new, heya! Good to see you—virtually? lol Let’s talk abt this hidden gem, ok? 2/18
Summary: Rikuo has graduated from college, but has zero ambition or direction and works in a convenience store. A strange high-school dropout, Haru, keeps coming around with her pet crow... 3/18
[Cont.] And Rikuo still has a crush on his senior Shinako, who is beginning a teaching career, and who shows up in the store one day. Then, things ensues. 4/18
Okay, not my best summary, but you get the point. Right? It’s a slice-of-life romance anime. It wasn’t my fav, but there were some very sweet moments that I liked it and adored, which made me smile. 5/18
This thread will contain major spoilers 🚨 but I will let you know beforehand so if you wanna skip, you can skip! But first, my general thoughts on the anime! 6/18
Rikuo is...kind of an ass? Jerk? Tbh, he wasn’t the best kind of guy. He wasn’t a total scum-bag, I mean, everyone isn’t “nice” or “perfect” but still—eh. He was an okay-ish guy. 7/18
Haru — the love interest was kind of annoying in the beginning of SYFM, but she kind of grew on me in the middle/last parts of the anime. I’m sure almost everyone will be rooting for her and Rikuo. 8/18
Shinako — is the other love interest we meet. She was definitely my least favorite character in SYFM, but I started to like her as well in the later parts of the anime. I’m sure everyone will be rooting for her and Rikuo, too. 9/18
I really liked the graphics since it is still considered a new-ish anime that came out around 2020. The drama was pretty solid. It didn’t really have a plot, but I do like some slice-of-life anime but if no romance...duces ✌️ 10/18
The secondary characters were good. Maybe would’ve been better if we were in the head of Rikuo’s ex, but that’s just my opinion. She was one of my favorite characters, even if she was on there for a hot minute. 11/18
I’m heading into the spoiler-y territory! If you’re not interested in spoilers, you can skip the next 4 threads! If you wanna come back later, that’s fine too. But for the ones who are still with me, LETS GOOOOO! 12/18
1-🚨 Okay first up - Rikuo. I know I said something similar about him being a jerk, but I honestly didn’t want to spoil anything but now idgaf since this is the spoilers part! Rikuo was complete and utter T R A S H!!! There I said it! 13/18
2-🚨 Like at the end there when Haru finds out he’s dating Shinako, then comes back for Haru...,,, let me tell you I was livid! He didn’t deserve Haru AT ALL! Like she deserved sm better than him. Ugh! It was so bad. 14/18
3-🚨 And Shinako was bad too! She was sometimes worse than Rikuo. Like I understand she didn’t want Rikuo “right then” but come on! She only wanted him when it felt convenient for her. Which was just...selfish? And manipulative? (Btw that’s a young boy in pic, not Rikuo) 15/18
4-🚨 Though, Haru was no better either. She wasn’t the worst in the main cast, but still. How could she even accept a piece of trash like him? And what kind of ending episode was that? That had to be one of the worst ending episodes, EVER! 16/18
I can say this anime did hit some level of romance in the end but it didn’t quite execute it where I’m like shouting it to the world. It has (I believe) 13 episodes. Good news peeps: it has an ending to it. I assume you don’t have to read the manga? But I could be wrong. 17/18
BUT if you’re looking for a slice-of-life anime with a bit of romance, I say give SYTM a try! It’s definitely worth a watch IMO, so add it to your watch list and tell me what you think! As always, HWW! lol 18/18
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