Wedding season is upon us and I want to pass on some advice from a seasoned millennial to some young Gen Z'ers who may be entering their first serious wedding season (defined as 3+ weddings between May-Nov)

From gifts to open bars to attire, here's what you need to know
What to wear:

You can't go wrong with a jacket and tie. I prefer "jacket no tie" over "tie no jacket" -- "tie no jacket" makes you look like someone's kid brother.

Be careful with vests. Don't look like the photog. If you know what you are doing tho, go for it.
Don't wear jeans. Tuck in your shirt. Don't be afraid to ask what color suit the groomsmen are wearing, and what color the dresses the bridesmaids are wearing so you don't look like you are in the bridal party. You are a grown up, its ok to ask now.
Wear nice shoes.

Sperrys are not nice shoes.
Gifts: money is king.

I know you are poor. If you are poor, still try and $50 a head (that means $100 if you bring a date)

Shoot for $75 a head. If you can. $100 is better.

Yes its a lot. Weddings are expensive. You'll learn when you have yours. This is just my 2cents
Get a card, write a check, bring to the reception. Write a nice little note. There will be a basket at the reception. You can drop it in there. A check and card is classy. They'll open it the next day. A check means its easier for them to track and write thank you notes.
Don't venmo them unless they are your friend and its cool. The bride and her parents probably still won't like it, so write a damn check and get a card. Be a grown up
Open bar:

Try to bring $20 bucks in singles when you are going to a wedding with an open bar. Make sure you have cash. I know you are Gen Z and don't deal with cash. But open bars require cash. So get cash, and have singles.
$1 / drink. If you get you and your date a drink, thats $2 dollars.

Drop $5 on your first time through and hope they see it. The bartender is your friend. Take care of them.
What to order at the open bar:

You have three options:

1) beer
2) wine
3) two ingredient cocktails
What is a two ingredient cocktail?

Rum and coke

Vodka soda

Whiskey and water

You are not allowed to order "old fashioneds" "martinis" and other such items. Everyone will hate you.
This isn't a rule, this is just advice:

Pick your drink and stick to it. Don't deviate. Don't try to go around the wall with liquor. Don't mix wine and beer and liquor. Drink water. Eat some of your food. Dance frequently.
The open bar is your friend, but its your friend from college who can get you in a lot of trouble. And if you puke at someone's wedding, you are the center of attention. Don't be the center of attention.
To wrap it up: this is a fun time of your life. Weddings will happen frequently. They will be the source of drama, stories, and memories for your friends. They will provide lots of your pictures from your 20s.
So enjoy it! They are big parties.

But try to dress as nicely as you can. Realize that weddings are EXPENSIVE, for the bride and groom but also for YOU, and you can't be cheap. You have to tip the bartender, you have to give gifts. It's the rule.
Bridal showers, bachelor parties, all of it are going to add up. Weddings are expensive for the friends. Sorry. That's the game. Be prepared.
And lastly: be an open bar hero. Keep your drink orders short, and don't puke.

Happy wedding season all! Good luck Gen Z!
oh last thing:

If you are dating someone, take lots of your own pictures of you and your SO.

You look nice, you got dressed up, take lots of pictures.

Not selfies, have your friend take nice, waist up pictures for your socials.
and take some pictures of the wedding, and put it on the socials the next day. The bride and groom won't get their pictures for weeks. Everyone wants to be the center of attention. They'll appreciate you posting fun, nice pictures of their wedding when they wake up on Sunday.
Bonus items:

Make sure to RSVP and pro level tips on planning for the gap
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