So I was going to use today's stream to give my impressions of the @RedgrassGames Studio XL wet palette, but sadly that didnt happen. So I guess I will give it here! So after painting a few models with it I can safely say it is a godsend that I upgraded to it! (1/3)
(2/3) The size is a bit more than i am normally used to but it truly helps with the added space for blending paints together. The foam holds the water amazingly and really keeps things from drying out. But that is also down to the really good seal on the lid too! >
(3/3) that seal has seriously saved my blends for face painting and have come close to kissing it XD. So far with five or so models worked on I've only needed to use two sheets! Which is amazing for paint/page ratio! All and all I am loving the Studio XL Wet palette! >
Will add pics to this thread of my current palette work and blends as soon as I can!
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