“… the spir­i­tual state of the U.S. as a whole: its re­lent­lessly prac­ti­cal sen­si­bil­ity, its im­pa­tience with the con­tem­pla­tive life. Amer­i­cans were very much pre­pared to aban­don the realm of time—the realm of the Sab­bath—in con­quer­ing the realm of space.”
“Across the West to­day, how­ever, the drive to­ward max­i­mal mar­ket lib­erty has squeezed out the liberty of the Sab­bath. We have ban­ished it in the name of ‘choice.’ And some choice we have…
“Work­ing-class fam­i­lies are de­nied even a half-day of rest to­gether, yet we are puz­zled by as­tro­nom­i-cal di­vorce rates, abysmally low rates of fam­ily for­ma­tion, alien­ation and drug abuse….
“We have cashiered the Sab­bath for al­go­rith­mic hu­man-re­sources sched­uling—com­puter code designed to min­i­mize la­bor costs, regard­less of the im­pact on fam­i­lies and com­mu­ni­ties.”
Fwiw, here’s my attempt to address the perpetuity of the 4th commandment in a message. So much more to say, but it’s a start.

“What Is the Lord’s Day?” (Deut 5:12-14) https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=116161510115
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