a/b/o where unpresented pup jk is super clingy and rowdy with omega yg bc he has the patience and gentle demeanor to deal with it and everyone reassures him that 'jk will grow out of his pup phase after he presents' but then jk presents as an alpha and Oh It's Worse Now, Actually
jk just wants his omega hyung to pay attention to him! wants to bask in his fond gaze! wants to smell the honeyed sweetness that undercoats yg's scent when jk takes his hands and swings them back and forth! wants to hear yg's soft, gentle voice saying 'okay, settle down now, pup'
bc jk's only a rowdy baby alpha for as long as it takes for yg to look his way. after that, it only takes takes a certain look or touch for jk to melt down to his more docile, pliant self ☺️ though when jk goes into pre-rut, it's near impossible to separate him from yg's neck
even with jk practically glued to his back, tripping him up as he tries to walk around the apartment, yg still doesn't scold him. could never scold him, because that's his baby 🥺 instead he pulls jk to the dim, quiet space of his bedroom and simply lets jk takes what he needs
turns out all jk really needs is to plaster himself over yg's body, soaking in yg's scent and scenting him until they're indistinguishable. and yg can't say he minds the pleasant weight of jk on top of him, head on yg's chest and rumbling contently as yg scratches his scalp
on the eve of jk's first rut, in his last hours of true lucidity, jk mumbles an apology into his neck. for being too needy, too clingy, for wanting too much and yet being unable to tear himself away from the comfort and safety that yg's presence brings him, has always brought him
and there's that honeyed sweetness again, the fond exasperation that so often accompanies yg's usual scent when jk is with him. with gentle words and gentler touch, yg reassures jk that if he wanted 'too much', yg would have stopped putting up with him a long time ago
"you trust hyung, right?" yg asks. when jk nods, yg smiles, and jk feels a rush a calm course through his veins, the buzzing anxiety and nervous anticipation of his approaching rut momentarily soothed. "then trust me to tell you when it ever becomes too much, okay?"
"hyung will never scold you," yg continues softly, as jk blinks at him with wide, wet eyes. "but hyung will always be honest with you. and i'm telling you the truth when i say you're not too needy, clingy, or too much. i'm here because i want to be with you, to take care of you."
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