Just a reminder to any teacher out there that needs it: Teaching is not a vocation; it is an occupation. It is a job. A job for which we get paid. It is a workplace mainly populated by women and calling it a vocation is a mechanism to treat the workers badly. Sure why would you
complain about poor working conditions, sure isn't it a vocation?! No, it's an occupation. It's a job. Therefore our conditions should be subject to Health and Safety at Work Act 2005. Somehow, the DES has been able to circumvent this, and society thinks it is okay? It really,
really isn't. It is negligence, plain and simple, another attack on women in a country whose citizens don't seem to be able to speak up in the moment and say no. A recent article about pregnant school staff WFH until the end of the term sparked disgusting, sickening discourse
about how they were lazy and could not do their work from home, simply because they are protecting themselves from a virus which would be greatly to their detriment if they were to catch it. Will it be a decade, two or more, before we call out how wrong what the DES is doing is,
or longer? No SD, no masks, no reduced numbers, no ventilation, and it is quite fine for mostly female workplace to walk into classrooms for 6 hours every day, the most crowded classrooms in the EU, with no protection and throw the dice with their health.
We really do hate women here, don't we?
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