Happy Mother’s Day to every mom who has ever made their kids a hot breakfast but not eaten their own until was cold.

Happy Mother’s Day to the moms who put their kids first.

Biological or adoptive; parent or stepparent; a mother is the one who shows up - no matter what the birth certificate says.

If you are that kid’s shoulder, a parent they trust who comes through and cares, who hurts when they hurt and takes joy in their joy, you are a mom.

A mom isn’t someone who just performs tasks; a mom is someone who loves from way down deep and who shows it.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms who don’t just perform the function but instead inhabit the role.

And that role is so very big and so very much.

It is impossible and terrifying and exhausting - and it is also the source of your greatest peace.

It is days you can’t remember and days you will never forget... that time at the beach until sunset, your kids, happy, perfect.

Being a mother is being unable to put into words how much you love your kids while also worrying whether you are good enough.

You are.

From a father who loves his role to all of the moms who love theirs, the happiest of Mother’s Days.

Your kids are lucky to have you.

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