Aight, my first tweet is going to be about my favourite coin $omi. I know it isn’t a steady large cap established project blah blah blah. But it’s going to space and I’ll fucking be there when it does. A thread.
If you want to know about the ins and out of the coin, I ain’t your teacher go DYOR. But I will spit some facts that seem to often get overlooked on $omi Twitter
Number 1 - licences. Everyone knows the licences Ecomi has already attained but there is HUGE speculation around the ones they are yet to announce. Pokemon/marvel/fifa are often rumoured. But we were all expecting the “huge announcement” to come in April and it never did.
This caused moonbois to bail as they didn’t get what they wanted instantly and now fill up $omi Twitter with FUD. DONT PANIC. Dan Crothers (COO of Ecomi) says at minute 50:44 of the interview below “there hasn’t been a licence I have not been able to obtain that I’ve wanted.”🧨
2. Veve App - I know the app fucking SUCKED at the start. Getting a delorean was harder than getting into North Korea. BUT, the last two drops have been so much better and how many lesser known projects do you know where you can actually see them evolving this rapidly. Not many.
3. TEASERS - THE FUCKING CEO OF ECOMI POSTS THE WILDEST HINTS ON HIS INSTAGRAM. I ain’t no snitch but just go on his old posts and look at his replies to $omi fan boys. It’s amazing. And a man of his reputation wouldn’t be shilling shit he couldn’t back up down the line.
4. Community - I know crypto communities are corny as fuck. But the #omifam is different. There is this guy @JakeGagain who actually loves $omi more than his family, and streams multiple times a week just to chat with the community and encourage them to live life. Also...
@Crypt0casio genuinely stopped tweeting for a while coz the price went down and she felt a responsibility to the community not to get projections wrong. That’s how invested people are in this project, it’s dope.
Others like @Neb_Nitram, @CinemaTRP, @babywerewolf5 and @ecomiburn are also great advocates for @ecomi_. They genuinely care about the community, which is rare in crypto.
5 - Adoption. There are over 250k users of the VeVe app. It ain’t even been live for a year. Thousands of Cryptkins sold out in half hour. WHAT THE F IS A CRYPTKIN! That is such a bullish sign. Other platforms need huge names to draw traction. Veve sells out CRYPTKINS!😂
6. $omi token - everyone talks about how hard it is to get $omi as it’s only on small exchanges. Not many people talk about the fact it only has around 100k holders according to go chain explorer. Safemoon has 1.5mill. I guarantee 50% didn’t even read the white paper...
You think the people who blindly bought into a coin like safemoon or doge wouldn’t buy the coin with a Nfl or POTENTIALLY a Pokemon or marvel licence? BULLISH
7. God loves $omi - God himself blessed @ecomi with the Jesus Christ of licensing to be their head of licensing. If you know you know. Whose in the safemoon team? Yeah I don’t know either.
8. BONUS - This is the last section of this rant/thread. I went to law school and have got a job at a global firm so know a bit about IP. When registering a trademark you often submit a specimen of how you plan on using that trademark to go on PUBLIC record.
When VeVe registered their trademark at the US patent office they submitted the following specimen, demonstrating how they plan to use their trademark. This could EASILY be an example and they don’t have the licence. But with the Ecomi teams licensing experience it’s a great sign
All in all, just fucking Hodl $omi. If you sell you will regret it, just give it a year. This account will not just be an $omi shill but it’s my spirit coin so had to start with it. It isn’t my whole portfolio, I’m not an idiot😂🚀
You can follow @WenMoon2k21.
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