So, I wanted to wait until after results for this because I felt no need to undermine good Green candidates in England.

However, a few weeks ago I quit my membership of the English and Welsh Green Party

I did this immediately after being handed a 6 month suspension by the party
The reason for this suspension?

My continued criticism of the vile and cruel hate campaign waged by GPEW spokesperson and London Assembly candidate Shahrar Ali against trans people and the smears and lies he has spread against providers of trans healthcare

I stand by every word
Shahrar Ali has faced repeated complaints from the LGBT+ community within GPEW for this vicious and obsessed campaign, one which has resulted in absolutely no sanction.

Instead the party felt fit to allow him to continue as an Assembly candidate, representing the party.
Those LGBT+ members who, by contrast, have stood up to his hate campaign and condemned his vile lies, attacks on trans people, and continued attempts to embed hate in GPEW party policy, have faced censure, immediate suspensions, and been driven out of the party.
All whilst one of the party leaders claimed they would make London the most trans inclusive city in the world.

This, to put it kindly, is astounding hypocrisy. For a party on the one hand preach progressive policy whilst on the other platforming and enabling a vile hate campaign
As I said earlier in the year, I'm no hypocrite. I couldn't condemn people playing down transphobia in the SNP and continue financially supporting a party enabling even worse.

So I said if Ali remained a candidate on election day I'd quit. My suspension brought that forward.
So whilst the GPEW has swept gains across England I have been glad for it, but my strongest emotion is reserved to profound relief that the party didn't gain enough votes to place an aggressive transphobe on the London Assembly.
The party's continued enabling and defence of vicious bigotry through its own conduct committees, and sanctions of those who speak against such vile politics, is a stain on the Green movement.

It's time for GPEW to face its failures head on and end the tolerance of hate.
Just to add an additional level on this pile of incapacity to deal with bigots in the ranks -

When I sent my resignation to the complaints team (and the leadership and office) they replied directing me to the SCOTTISH Green contact address.

Result - Apologetic email to SGP...
This raises the most staggeringly blinkered decision made by the committee which decided to suspend me for six months for standing up to a transphobic campaign by another member.

Reporting me to the Scottish Green Party.

Famous for giving pity for transphobes short shrift.
Note "Green Party of Scotland"
PS. If GPEW actually takes action against the transphobic campaigners still promoting their vile movement within the party and kicks them out, and makes their party fully safe for LGBT+ people again, I will gladly return and continue financially supporting them.
However - I have been critical of SNP members who quit their party over transphobia and then returned with no more than token words on the issue from leaders.

Again, I am no hypocrite, and I will not return to supporting GPEW without real action and real consequences for hate.
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