Ku klux kkkommunists can’t keep us out their filthy disease ridden mouths. From Hasan Piker to the thing that names himself Vaush, hueless hooligans are only out here giving us free press.
While they’re circulating what they think is bad press about us, more and more Colonized peoples are seeing our message. More and more are signing up in droves to take the land back such yts continue to steal from us by cannon.
Over 600 years of being under yt boots, under yt genocidal reign of the world that has brought it to impending doom, has ignited a wave of colonized peoples situated in the imperial core and around the world to unite unlike anything ever seen before.
And you best believe we are deadly serious about liberation. We are here to smash colonialism into the depths of hell and create an international world where Colonized peoples exist in unity and where we have dictatorship over our lands, lives, labor and resources.
We are not just tired of culture vultures stealing everything from us; we are ignited, united and organized to end the reign of terror yts continue to bring into this world generation after generation.
From the first attacks on our shores from Africa to Asia to Turtle Island, bleach demons have enslaved, dispossessed, & enacted genocide against us. Colonialism, while yts would like you to think is a word of the past, has been ongoing against us ever since they left their rock.
Indigenous and African peoples across Turtle Island and Pachamama carry krackkker names from their various kkkolonizers, and peoples of Asia have been consistently invaded and colonized since krackkkas set their eyes on colonization of the pacific.
Our peoples are dispossessed of our lands, our languages, our knowledge, our cultures, and former ways of being. Pre-colonization, we existed in balance between people, land and cosmos. We understood the land to be our mother, our physical and spiritual sustenance.
Kkkolonizers took that from us. We do not have self-determination and autonomy over our own lands and selves. It’s dictated by whatever crackkker in a suit wants to build to profit himself and spread those crumbs to his foot soldiers ready & willing to kill us
This is why we are forever united in anti-colonial struggle with all poor & working class Colonized people. We’ve seen the response from yts that call themselves communists telling us they can’t wait to see us die & how we’d make fun characters to kill in their video games.
Calling themselves communists is how they’ve always worked to escape complicity in the structure of colonial capitalism, in which WE are the capital for the capitalists, and how they fight to get more of the crumbs from capitalism that come at our expense.
It is our lands, our lives, our labor, and our resources that serve as the capital for capitalists. There ain’t no resources coming from that dead rock they call europe to feed the yt western world. It comes from the looting of us.
And every time a krackkka decides to fight for “socialism” it’s just another reformist yt power moment to ask for more crumbs from the yt ruling class to make their lives more comfortable, all while our lands, lives, labor and resources are exploited and pillaged.
amerikkka is a yt power settler colonial structure built on the ongoing genocide of Indigenous peoples and chattel enslavement of Africans, and ain’t nothing changed about it since 1789 when the kkkonstitution was signed.
asking for socialist policies within the colonial state apparatus of amerikkka built on our genocide, rather than uniting to end it completely, consistently exposes how united these “communists” are with yt power and the yt ruling class.
They are not and never have been on the side of liberation for Colonized peoples. Our very lives sustain their global death machine of which they want more crumbs of ($15 minimum wage, healthcare, etc). All of it is organized around OUR DEATH.
And yet they plead and beg for more crumbs and more reform rather than its complete destruction. Amerikkka is the most important evil destructive empire to ever exist throughout history, and yts know it is sustained in every way off the continued imperialism of our lands & lives
This is why we are united at Black Hammer on the principle of anti-colonialism. amerikkka is a colony and like all colonies, the forces that oppress them as colonies must be smashed. Ain’t no crackkker asking for a higher minimum wage going to give that to us.
Our liberation is only achieved through unity and building for ourselves, not fighting for reformist measures within a colonial death machine sustaining itself off of the blood of our people and lands.
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