references in my fic "say there's this person that you never knew that well", riverdale and otherwise (🧵) 

i might've miscounted bc i was searching for the riverdale ones for a commenter and i only found five but. i might also just be missing one LOL
1. title from bmc

i assume i counted this one bc "various degrees of obviousness" and i can't find a fourth otherwise. so.
2, 3, 4. two riverdale quotes and a high school musical reference (this could be the start of something new)
5. loh austin show man cameo
6. percy jackson hercules-starbucks metaphor! i think this is from the rlly big heroes book
7, 8. "i dropped out of school in the fourth grade to run drugs to support my nana" and "spoken like a true good girl who follows the rules. well i don't follow rules, i make them. and when necessary, i break them" from riverdale
9. "that means you haven't known the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of high school football" from riverdale. thanks archie
end thread if anyone can find the sixth riverdale reference do let me know LMAO
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