This thread does accurately describe CRT & I think most people will see why it is worthy of criticism. The current problem, however, is not this last generation (1970s-2010) but the evolution of it into Critical Social Justice theories of anti-racism (2010-present) 1/2
However, this still doesn't mean that we should ban teaching about CRT & CSJ approaches to anti-racism in schools & I'm not just saying this because I have a Young Adult version of Cynical Theories coming out that I'd love to be taught in schools. (cont)
I think kids need to be exposed to these ideas alongside other ideas because this prevents them from being taught just one political framework as truth & makes them better critical thinkers who can weigh up a variety of views for their pros & cons.
When kids get to an age where teaching them about different political & philosophical views is appropriate to prepare them for the adult world and/or college, they should be shown the main tenets, pros & cons of a wide range of them in as neutral a way as possible.
I am currently writing an essay for Counterweight on this because there is a lot of people talking past each other on this and it's a mess. As usual.
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