alright. let me sort out this thread.
1. george burned / destroyed ponks lemon tree, sapnap got the blame got it im pretty sure, sapnap recruited tommy to his team against alyssa and ponk, dream logged on asking what was going on. pretty sure ponk and alyssa THEN got him on their team , he recruited punz and they1/?
went to go and kill sap and tommy, sure sapnap snd tommy may have hit them first, but that was because they were feeling threatened. after dream was k!lled we went to go and get tommys discs while tommy and sapnap were k wording ponk. and thats how the war started.
2. Sure tommy and wilbur started lmanberg, but they started it because they couldnt do what they wanted freely on the land of the dreamsmp, ALSO it was a peaceful nation and dream attacked first.
3. he hit him with a train on accident. not on purpose. he was warning dream to get off the train tracks while going down. sure he may have stolen the stuff but at the end of the day he TRADED. NOT STOLE. dreams stuff for spirit.
4. he used the remains against him, this is true, but lets count how many times c!dream said he was gonna burn c!tommys disc and used it as leverage / against him.
5. took 2 of his canon lives. YES! thats true. but guess who took each and every single one of c!tommys lives? c!dream.

6. That was tommys cat. dream
k!lled everything c!tommy loved so tommy just killed the one thing that dream loved to get revenge and to show him what its like to lose what you love. karma. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
i didnt answer the used his attachments against him , but c!dream did that to EVERYONE on the server even BEFORE tommy used HIS attachments against him. soooooo. idk.
quickly saying, this is all a lighthearted tweet!! :D
everyone saw what dream was doing to tommy. it was his own fault. c!dream is evil but his storyline is rlly cool! :)

C!dream literally didnt care for anything. just for power.
This isnt a competition abt trauma though, each person (in dsmp) has some trauma in them even if they dont show it in.

but ofc, these are my opinions and this is LIGHT HEARTED !! ^-^
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