Howth, Dublin. Absolutely disgusting, illegal behaviour.

My parents and my nieces were just there today.

This is no world where I want my beautiful young nieces and any other child to grow up in.

RT as much as possible as faces can be seen.
I am still, like so of many of you, sickened and disgusted by what these group of boys from Dublin did. Abhorrent behaviour on every level. Thank you all for continuing share so widely and continuously. These “boys”/criminals need to be identified and held directly accountable.
I can’t reply to all your supportive comments and messages of solidarity, for this poor woman (and other harassed women) in Dublin. But thank you endlessly for continuing to share this video, from small accounts to mammoth ones. It all matters. Accountability & justice is needed.
I actually will not rest until these ‘boys’/criminals are caught and held accountable. 6.1 million shares from all around the world - thank you, thank you, thank you. As cliche as it sounds citizens of the world unite. Thank you sharing and continuing share!
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