Did you know that the Tsarnaev brothers' aunt, a Chechen attorney, claims the FBI framed them for the Boston bombing? She points out a discrepancy b/w FBI claims of two black backpacks carrying the bombs vs photos of Dzhokhar w/ a white backpack that day https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2018/07/20/affidavit-of-maret-tsarnaeva-concerning-the-prosecution-of-dzhokhar-tsarnaev/
you gotta admit that it's pretty strange that the brothers would go to the store & buy milk immediately after committing a deadly bombing at a high profile event. After that, Dzhokhar went to his dorm to smoke weed & chill with friends, while Tamerlan went home to watch his baby
It's important to note that Dzhokhar has confessed that he and his brother committed the bombing. But his family thinks he was coerced into this, noting that his own court-appointed attorney professed his guilt from the start

Why would Dzhokhar falsely admit to participation in the bombing? It makes some sense w/ the context that the gvmt essentially always succeeds in convictions for attacks like this. Easy to convince someone to falsely confess if you tell him it'll save him from the death penalty
Plus, immediately after capturing Dhzokhar, US intel made apparently-bogus claims of a "12-strong terrorist sleeper cell" in Boston and sent a "specialist team" of FBI and CIA interrogators to talk to him. I wonder what specialist techniques they used! https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/boston-bombers-fbi-hunting-12-strong-1844844
No matter how you evaluate the family's claims about the event, there is a LOT of weird shit going on with the Boston bombing. As always with these events, the Tsarnaevs had been contacted by the FBI as early as 2011, two years before the 2013 bombing https://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/21/us/boston-marathon-bombings.html?pagewanted=all
Further, and contradicting the claims of the FBI, the family says Tamerlan was under continuous FBI surveillance after that initial meeting https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/apr/20/boston-bombing-suspect-fbi-surveillance-claim
Not only that--but there are credible suggestions that Tamerlan was recruited as an FBI *informant* as a means to attain his US citizenship, which was being held up because of a crime he committed in 2009. This option is frequently offered to young Muslims https://whowhatwhy.org/2013/06/23/was-tamerlan-tsarnaev-a-double-agent-recruited-by-the-fbi/
Sidebar, the above article by king Peter Dale Scott includes a fascinating aside about Anwar al-Awlaki, an al Qaeda leader who has been the subject of renewed attention lately because CIA director George Tenet apparently called the president of Yemen to spring him from prison
Anyway, yeah, if they try to recruit you as an informant and you say no, they might just destroy your life https://twitter.com/BoltzmannBooty/status/1386322520194928642
If Tamerlan was recruited as an informant, this would go some way toward explaining why his behavior abruptly shifted toward conspicuous support for radical Islam and strange scene-making at moderate mosques. Both would be ways of smoking out extremists to entrap in sting ops
It's undeniably very strange for US intelligence to let Tamerlan freely move back and forth between the US and an area in Russia known for harboring terrorists, especially given the fact that Tamerlan was on multiple terrorist watchlists https://www.wbur.org/radioboston/2017/06/15/tsarnaev-mcphee-fbi
Why would he record his conversations with family members while in Russia, if he wasn't an informant? Why were multiple high level terrorists killed days after meeting with him, if he wasn't informing on their locations? US & Russia have joint counterterror ops in Dagestan
More on his potential status as an informant here: https://twitter.com/BoltzmannBooty/status/1354881267607744516
Ok, so one of the bombers was, at the very least, a terror threat known to the FBI and other intel agencies for years in advance of the attack, and he was quite plausibly a federal informant. But that's the same as every terror attack and mass shooting ever. Anything else?
Yeah. Shortly before the attack, Tamerlan (the likely informant) complained of the intensification of voices in his head telling him to do violent things. "Someone is in my brain, telling me stuff to do." https://twitter.com/BoltzmannBooty/status/1375972079925919747
Apropos of nothing, here is a wikipedia article about the Frey effect, whereby microwaves can be used to beam audible noises into people's heads https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave_auditory_effect
There's also the strange detail that the brothers didn't build the bombs, and that the guy who did has been protected from investigation and prosecution by the FBI. Was HE an informant, entrapping the bros? Did the FBI sting one of their own stingers? https://twitter.com/BoltzmannBooty/status/1374715176889487379
And don't forget the friend of the Tsarnaevs who the FBI apparently murdered, and whose autopsy they attempted to cover up! https://twitter.com/BoltzmannBooty/status/1374870690856378369
Once the friend's autopsy was released they finally locked in on a bogus story where he's an insane, violent superhuman to explain why they riddled his body with bullets https://twitter.com/BoltzmannBooty/status/1375126031661686793
The FBI alleges that right before they shot him to death, this Todashev fellow confessed that he and Tamerlan had committed an unsolved triple homicide in 2011. Convenient how loose ends tie themselves up like that! No trial needed! https://www.wbur.org/news/2019/11/15/tsarnaev-waltham-triple-homicide
I don't think we focused enough on Dan Morley, the guy who almost certainly was the maker of the bombs, who, I would like to reiterate, is COMPLETELY FREE and NEVER FACED TRIAL and as of 2018 had a job DRIVING AROUND THE ELDERLY https://www.newsweek.com/2018/01/19/boston-marathon-bomb-maker-loose-776742.html
First off, note that the FBI lied during the trial and claimed the brothers made the bombs in Tamerlan's apartment despite no forensic evidence that this was the case
https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/boston-bombing-trial/court-documents-reveal-boston-bomber-s-statements-fbi-n528126 (left quote)
https://www.newsweek.com/2018/01/19/boston-marathon-bomb-maker-loose-776742.html (right quote)
Much more plausible is the suggestion that Dan Morley, who probably knew Tamarlan, built the bombs. After he attacked his mom and her boyfriend, local cops found all the materials needed to make the pressure cooker bombs in his room (back to the Newsweek article here)
The local Topsfield cops, after discovering this apparent bomb-making factory, didn't notify the FBI immediately of what they had found (busy dealing with this dangerous dude). Regardless, the FBI showed up at the police station the next day and confiscated their evidence :)
Morley also strangely disappeared from home a few hours before the bombing, returning two days later. And he may well have participated in a robbery and a murder with the Tsarnaevs after the bombing during that period. Feds took over the robbery investigation & nothing came of it
The FBI conspicuously protected Morley every step of the way. I hope he writes a tell-all book someday
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