A thread on supporting Muslim students around Eid time:
On May 13th or 12th, Muslims around the world will be observing Eid al-Fitr- marking the end of Ramadan. It’s a 3 day celebration. First, make sure your students are Muslim & don’t assume they are because they’re brown.
Reach out to parents to see if they will miss school that day, since it falls on the weekday and how you can support them. Some will miss 2 or 3 days. You can wish them an “Eid Mubarak” and give them eid cards if you wish (I saw someone on Twitter asking if that’s appropriate).
Look up appropriate classroom activities for Eid & Eid books BY Muslim authors. My fav Eid books are AMIRA’S PICTURE DAY by @ReemFaruqi, ONCE UPON AN EID, ILYAS & DUCK FANTASTIC FESTIVAL, EID BREAKFAST AT ABUELAS. Tbh not a lot out there but more coming (including mine in 2023)
If they have a test or project due that week, see if you can reschedule it or extend the due date to after Eid. The last couple of days before Eid, they’ll be extra sleep deprived because of more time at the mosque for taraweeh & tahajud (can be up until dawn/ around 5 am)
If you want to, invite their parents to share their traditions for Eid/help lead an activity. I’m conflicted over this because Eid & Muslim culture & traditions should be talked about throughout the year. But some kids love leading this with their parents in the classroom
It stinks when Eid falls on a fun day like picture day or dress up day, etc, so see if that can be moved so the students don’t have that struggle of choosing one and missing the other. Also plan for next year & check the school calendar to make sure no important dates fall on eid
If your students fasted this year, tell them they did a great job - even if it was half a day or once or twice. They’ll feel so proud of the acknowledgment. Encourage them to share their experience by writing about it or talking about it if they choose.
Lastly, be extra nice so they can share some delicious Eid treats with you and the class 😂. May be different because of covid this year but I used to love going to my kids’ classrooms and passing out treats, sharing traditions, etc.
And I wrote a picture book about Eid because there are only like two out there by Muslims/traditionally published. Comes out in 2023 if you want to add it to goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57514966
You can follow @ayawrites.
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