a short thread about how i lost 7kg in a month
first im gonna start saying that i have a normal bmi, and even with -7kg i don't see a real difference
1- i did omad, i only eat once at 8pm, but i drinked at least 1.5L of water and coffee after 8pm
2- i didnt count cals i mostly privileged portion control, but here's is what i ate https://twitter.com/xuandiet/status/1375188770945925125
3- i only binged twice during this month
4- i didnt work out at all cause i had no energy and barely walk cause i was confined for 3 weeks, thats the only thing that i hated about eating late and having no motivation even for school
5- i planned and organized everything i will eat a week before, i tried to avoid as much as i could carbs
6- exemple of what i ate: oatmeal, mediterranean salad, pancakes, granola yogurt, omelette, a lot of pb...
end of this "thread", after a month of only eating at 8pm i see that im really easily full even with a little portion
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