“If you stand for nothing, what will you fall for?” is a famous line from Lin Manuel Miranda’s Broadway hit, “Hamilton” though Alexander Hamilton may not have said it that way, exactly, in real life. #velshi
It is the sentiment that without knowing who you are and what you believe in, you are doomed to be manipulated. And that is the situation in which today’s Republican Party finds itself. #velshi
Remember when the GOP was the Party of Lincoln? A party whose very existence owed itself to the opposition to slavery. Republicans have been partisans of themes like law and order, rugged individualism, entrepreneurship, free trade, small government, and low taxes. #velshi
No more. Today it’s somewhere between a Party of Trump, a party of no ideas or policies of their own except the Big Lie that the election was stolen and obstructing the Biden Administration. #velshi
This week Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, previously someone so artful in the articulation of his disdain for Donald Trump, said “I would just say to my Republican colleagues, can we move forward without President Trump? #velshi
The answer is “no.” Wow. A 158-year-old party can’t move forward without Donald Trump, a guy who wasn’t even a Republican before he ran for office. There was a big clue last August just ahead of the Republican National Convention. #velshi
The GOP decided it would not pick a policy platform but, rather, a person, a person who became the greatest liability to the party’s future. #velshi
As strange as that seems, all that happened BEFORE Trump started his nonsense about election fraud, denied the outcome of the election, and fomented an actual insurrection. You’d think that after all that, Republicans would turn away. But they can’t. #velshi
Donald Trump is their own personal train wreck. The GOP has, right now, the opportunity to wipe the slate clean, recalibrate the party and find its way back to true conservatism. #velshi
It will help the country to have strong parties with opposing ideas. Parties that stand for something. Because as the real Alexander Hamilton is believed to have said: “Those who stand for nothing, fall for everything.” #velshi
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