i was going to wait to do it tomorrow but here is the autistic castiel thread
first of all everyone sees castiel as weird. not just dean but other angels as well. they always say something about cas being abnormal.
autistic people will both stare too much & do not like to make eye contact. castiel is no different. especially in earlier seasons. with dean he will stare a hole through him. with other people he is often reluctant to make eye contact.
he doesn't understand figures of speech or slang. the most common example was when sam mentioned they'd need a guinea pig and castiel legitimately thought sam had a guinea. you see him misuse and misunderstand phrases a lot.
especially the phrases dean uses because for an autistic person dean really doesn't make sense half the time unless you know what he is talking about.
no concept of personal space. even if after dean explains it to him he still crowds into dean's space. i suspect this is because dean is a comfort person. he feels safe around dean.
doesn't understand when people are flirting. multiple times. he couldn't tell that meg was hitting on him. he didn't understand that the waitress was hitting on him. he thought he she just liked his coat. he thought it was normal for dean to ask him to unbutton his shirt.
he fears rejection from the winchesters and doesn't know how to read the signs that they love him and want him to stay. imo it's why he waited until the last possible moment to tell dean he was in love.
a special interest in humanity. he finds humans very fascinating. better than his own angel brothers and sisters sometimes and feels an urge to protect them. bees are another special interest. he found talking about the bees comforting.
his trenchcoat is clearly a comfort item. he wears it all the time the only time he ever took it off was to wash it clean.
his comfort food is peanut butter and jelly. it was something he first ate as a human and he was clearly very upset he couldn't taste it anymore.
dad-stiel on tumblr explained castiel's autistic chararastics in hunter heroci and I have to say I agree with everything. comparing the hunter skillset to social interactions definitely works
the autistic jack thread will take longer as I have to rewatch his episodes first
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