My father loved NYC & I promised him a summer trip. Between my COVID and my grief, I think of him & all who’ve lost those they love. We’re a community of grieving daughters. Yet through tears we must speak. In the next thread sharing some interventions I’ve made on global media
I spoke to @itvnews on my fathers death but also on the larger systemic collapse of the Indian state that had left hundreds of thousands of Indians orphaned. With @julieetchitv
For @AmanpourCoPBS @camanpour I spoke with @hari on drawing the world’s attention to the absence of truth telling, competence and compassion in the handling of the second wave and the government fixation, even now, with narrative over saving lives
With @kimbrunhuber I spoke on @CNN about why my father who died to COVID was yet luckier than thousands and thousands of Indians who have died desolate on the streets, gasping for oxygen, at hospitals that had to shut doors to them
For @BBCNewshour I spoke with @BBCJamesM on the monumental betrayal of our healthcare system and the doctors who say they’ve been sent to fight a nuclear war with a stick
With @ianbremmer I speak of why the world must recognise the unprecedented humanitarian crisis ravaging India where my grief and anguish on losing my father is at once personal and universal. Even in heartbreak, silence is no option. I shall keep speaking
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