7 Achievers Who Were Persistent Through the Face Of Constant Failure

Failure is something we humans are taught as wrong.

We learn about the consequences.

But never about the lessons we can take.

I am hoping these 7 remarkable people can be used as inspiration towards your goals.
Because you will experience failure.

However, the underlying consequences depend on your actions taken afterwards.

Remember: “The phoenix must burn to emerge.”

Anyways, let’s get into this:
1. Albert Einstein

With the ground breaking and influential mind this man had, it’s hard to believe that he was considered a failure.

- Couldn’t speak until 4 years old,

- Failed an entry exam to a school

- Performed poorly at his university course.
To cap this off, his father regarded him as a failure before passing away.

Einstein was lost with what to do in life and took mediocre jobs.

However, he would later go onto beginning the creation of the quantum theory.

A Nobel Prize in 1921 would highlight his achievements.
2. Bill Gates

The founder of Microsoft previously created a failed company called Traf-O-Data.

The reporting format for traffic engineers was demonstrated in front of Seattles traffic department failed to work at the big reveal.
After dropping out of Harvard, Gates pursued Microsoft with his co partner.

I think the story speaks for itself from here.
3. Michael Jordan

MJ is often regarded as the greatest Basketball player of all time.

However, this wasn’t deemed possible when in high school, he was dropped from the first Basketball team.

His performances were in need of an improvement to live up to the age’s standard.
MJ wasn’t going to give up easily though

Instead he raised his performance through working twice as hard and more frequently.

Don’t forget that even the greats take major hits.

And you’re thinking of giving up after the first time?
4. Jay-Z

In the pursuit of trying to find a label to accept him, Jay- Z instead found himself being turned down every time.

Instead of giving up, he decided to create his own music label called Roc-A-Fells Records.

Jay later sold a 50% stake for $10 million in 2005
5. Steve Jobs

Responsible for one of the most successful companies to ever exist… Apple.

In 1976, Jobs co-found Apple Computers with his friend. However after rocky ride with new CEOs, Jobs quit apple in 1983.
With this setback, Jobs decided to create a new business called NeXT.

Whilst Apple was failing, Jobs was finding success in his new venture.

Apple eventually signed Jobs back when Apple acquired NeXt.

Jobs then went on to shape Apple as we see it today.
6. Sylvester Stallone

The legendary actor began so broke, he had to sell his dog for $25 just to pay for his electrical bills.

Stallone was rejected 1500 times by scouts and agents in the film industry.

Stallone stayed resilient through being broke and homeless.
He was not going to give up on the film script of Rocky.

After rejecting a big time deals in which he wasn’t able too appear in Rocky, he eventually landed a 35k deal.

The movie grossed over $200 million.

A perfect example of persistence through belief in your work.
7. Walt Disney

Disney ironically was sacked from a newspaper for ‘lacking imagination’.

Disney went through more failure when his new cartoon animation company Laugh-O-Grams went bankrupt.

Disney would later form the Walt Disney Company.
Through 5 years of perseverance and tenacity, the company really started to take off when he created Mickey Mouse.

Nevertheless, the failures and setbacks should have been enough for him to give up on his dreams, but he didn’t and this is why he well and truly succeeded.
I hope you found this thread inspiring and remember to NEVER GIVE UP.

Hold onto your dreams tightly because you will achieve them.

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