Someone in a FB made a point about some games being overpriced.

Let me remind you:
1) you're not JUST paying for components
2) printing 10x as many makes a MASSIVE difference.

(a thread)
1 - you are paying for the labour involved. Sure, there's logistics/packaging/transportation.

But also creativity. Design. Playtesting. Art. Rules writing. Graphic design/layout. Management of all that.
2 - economies of scale are a big thing.

I can tell you that Yogi (PVC cards, tin box, card holder, full colour) costs less to produce than In a Bind did (paper card, tuckbox, black and white).

It makes a MASSIVE difference when you print 10x as much.
Ultimately, I wish more folk would be willing to divorce the 'value' of an object with the material costs of it.

You aren't just getting a bunch of objects. You're getting an experience. Joys. Moments of curiousity. Reflection.
If you think that games are worthwhile, we need to be willing to pay for PNPs. We need to be willing to pay for great work done, regardless of the material costs.
An aside - if the components arew of such low quality that they affect the experience of pplaying the game then of course I'm not saying you have to buy it.

If you don't have £, I'm not saying that you have to buy it.

I'm DEFINITELY not saying to buy every game.
Just, please, understand that the value of a game is NOT JUST in the physical components.
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