Elon Musk is the worst kind of autistic white boy
He has an entitlement complex which during the pandemic has seen him endanger his employees.

Claim that he was making respirators (he wasn't)
He feels entitled to try and take over situations that he isn't qualified for

Remember those boys stuck in a cave?

Remember how he called the expert a paedophile when he was rightfully told he didn't know what he was talking about
He wants to recreate indentured servitude on Mars

He's fighting with Jeff Bezos over the moon
He invented the Homer car and expected that no one would notice
He uses the term Aspergers which is connected to a Nazi collaborator and ties into a toxic hierarchy of autism
And he ignored the infinitely funnier Dan Akroyd by claiming he was the first person with [Aspergers] to host SNL
He is peak "I am a super special autistic boy"
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