⚡ There are increasing degrees of facial/skull damage that IME & IMO correlate with irradiation/targeting of persons. (It actually can happen in animals too, if you pay close attention). It's apparently a huge secret.

"Craniofacial Analysis" https://twitter.com/i/events/1192908542623268865
The signs usually IME start out very subtly. We are socially conditioned not to notice subtle facial or skull damage various ways: through shaming of our natural perceptive instincts, through indirect threats by doctors to call us crazy or 'obsessive' (psychiatry fraud), ==>
==> through the makeup industry of covering up flaws which may be symptoms of EMF assault (I don't really judge ppl for it though), through coverup medical diagnoses which totally ignore radiation causation, by glamorizing imperfection so appearance damage is almost trendy now.
Radiation damage of course is covered up also by The Aging Scam whereby the overt or implicit message is that all damage is from this inevitable overarching inescapable phenomenon called "aging". Never mind it's 2021 & the concept of oxidative damage is ancient news & reversible.
Never mind that we have state-of-the-art imaging & diagnostic tests, nanosemiconductors for remote diagnostics, quantum scalar diagnostic & healing aids, as well as highly advanced regenerative medicine as a whole field & all the knowledge that goes along with that.
The attackers were sending me little electrical shock sensations via DEWs & doing sick things to me while I typed this thread. This is not a topic they want out. They don't want people thinking for themselves & catching onto the huge racket of everyday "aging" they profit from.
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