1/12] Assertions and more assertions, often ugly assertions, presented without evidence. And called “scholarship”. . . . . .
#CRT #WhiteFragility
2/12] When I started reading Critical Race Theory scholarship, I was frequently frustrated at the overwhelming prevalence of logical fallacies, correlation/causation errors, Kafka Traps and cherry-picked “lived experiences”. . . . . .
3/12] But what troubled me most was the assertions. Not the assertions themselves (Maybe they were true, maybe they weren’t. Let’s investigate.) But rather, that they were asserted without a shred of evidence. ……
4/12] Assertion after assertion was presented as fact.

DiAngelo was particularly prone to this, as in the meme above. DiAngelo asserted. The interviewer asked for data and evidence for that assertion. And DiAngelo responded with another assertion.

That’s not scholarship.
5/12] In addition, how does one define “the white collective”? 50% of the population? 10%? 1%? Three Klan members in Alabama?

DiAngelo never says. She just asserts, as she does here. Again claiming “glee”.
6/12] And another . . .

Who is she speaking about? Other white people? All white people? Herself?
7/12] And another (rather bold) assertion. Presented without evidence or data.
8/12] And another outrageous claim. Without evidence.
9/12] On a personal note, what bothers me the most about these assertions is that Black kids will read them and think, “Really? White people feel glee at the punishment of ‘Black bodies’? All white people have ‘anti-Blackness’? They see us as apes & gorillas?”
10/12] It’s not just factually incorrect. It’s sick. Damaging.
11/12] But perhaps DiAngelo is correct. Perhaps her assertions are true. As a scholar, a person with a PhD, I would expect her to at least take the first baby step in trying to back up her assertions.

She doesn’t.
12/12] And hence my memes. And the clowns. This is clown scholarship. Ugly scholarship. About a serious subject. And this ugly, clown scholarship is doing serious damage.

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