Bendy fan here, about to go on a rant about BATDR development lmao
I get that a game takes a long time to make, but *yikes* when it was announced 2+ years ago and we know hardly anything about it still, that's a bit rough
When we get more information on merchandise and not official sources, that's quite a doozy to swallow
I understand the logic of not wanting to make a trailer to focus on the game more to an extent, but when you go ahead and make an April Fools video which also takes away your time, kind of seems hypocritical to me
And even then with that logic, it just leaves fans hanging in the dark, not being able to get excited because they don't know what to be excited for.
I can understand what they were thinking when wanting to release all chapters at once, but that just ruins the point of having chapters in a game like Bendy. No time to theorize or be held on by that cliffhanging suspense, just play all 5 chapters the same day and be done.
This also just furthers my point on leaving fans in the dark. Waiting a couple of months for each chapter to drop isn't nearly as bad for waiting 2 years in silence. Judging on an estimated guess, we probably could have already played at least 2 chapters by now, maybe even more
Not to mention the couple of teasers actually dropped are just random asset drops from Blender screenshots plastered with the BATDR logo (ahem, the electric chair). Would be a lot more impactful and exciting if there were to be something more about it, maybe an im-game screenie?
All I want to say is while I love the fan interaction, and I'm immersed in the lore of the series and the characters behind it, it's just absolutely frustrating to watch all this happen.
I'm sorry if I've misjudged or got information wrong in any of this! Just going off of my own knowledge and explaining my frustration with the development of BATDR, feel free to inform or correct me on anything
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