When companies ask for Lucas, LabelV sends them group information.
When companies ask for Lucas' schedule, LabelV sends them the group schedule and says that Lucas has no time.
How much more does he need to sacrifice for the group? @WayV_official
Lucas was supposed to be in a solo magazine but LabelV gave them his groupmate's schedule. The magazine team only found out almost right before the shoot and got pissed. LabelV is also not actively looking for resources. To make quick money, they send him to few brand platforms
When brands ask for Lucas' information only, they only provide the groups and an outdated Lucas profile with basic information. Even brands are confused as to why they are getting a bunch of others when they only asked for one.
This is only the tip of the iceberg. LabelV cannot even prepare their own presentation to appeal to brands. They reject resources left and right if brands refuse to take on his teammates.
And this is exactly why I'm a solo stan. I don't give a crap about that wayv family bs. Lucas does not owe anything to that group. If anyone continues to say that Lucas gets his resources from SM, just know that it's the exact opposite.
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