in my opinion, i never once accepted the prices ksellers gave because they're either 1) very expensive 2) very overpriced. but i can't 100% blame them for overpricing pcs either because this is where we'll start talking about principle in economics.
when demand > supply, prices📈, when supply > demand, prices📉. to put it simply, when alot of people want a certain pc, it will be expensive. but if not many people want it, it will be sold for cheap. but as we can see, the prices in kmarket (no matter which fandom)
is borderline Crazy now and honestly? there's nothing much we can do to decrease the market prices there. they have fans all over the world buying stuffs from them. if you try to tell them off that the prices they set is too high, they might attack or just block you,
and they will go on with their day. because we're not their only customers. hence, the only thing we can do right now is to try our BEST to control the prices in local market, because we really don't want the local market prices to skyrocket like kmarket.
usually i see my friends telling the local sellers nicely if they try to set a ridiculous price for their self-pulled pcs. i wouldn't really call it judging, really :/ but i do know it happens sometimes hhhh. collecting isn't supposed to be a super expensive hobby. it brings
you happiness but when it starts to get ridiculously expensive EVEN in the local market, that is when you'll start to get stressed over the prices. that is when you'll start to feel unhappy while collecting. that is also when you'd want to stop collecting. its sad, really.
this is coming from my personal experience btw hshshsh.

anyways! idk why this became so long but tl:dr= people try to control the local market prices because its impossible the prices in kmarket would go down any sooner. by the looks of it? it will only continue to rise.
this is my personal take regarding the differences of perspective in prices in different markets btw tolong jgn attack sayađŸ˜­đŸ§ŽđŸ»â€â™€ïž
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