Being oppressed doesn’t exempt you from having a victim mentality. There are people from worst circumstances who accomplished amazing things and had a great life. The most important variable isn’t the external obstacles, it’s internal perspective.
Don’t come under this tweet and play pain olympics, I was a homeless teenager who been through every type of abuse you can think off and then got medically injured in the military and spent the majority of my 20’s bedridden in indescribable pain. Stop being a victim.
Also this doesn’t mean the system isn’t fucked and alot of people who l smugly flaunt there success over the less fortunate aren’t deluded assholes in thinking there privilege didn’t contribute to their success.
I had such a hard life and I don’t think my light skin helped me when I was homeless being attacked all the time but it definitely helped me on social media. When I point out privilege I’m not trying to take away all your hard work, you did amazing❤️ but have some empathy please.
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