I made many mistakes in my career that could have saved me a lot of time and frustration.

Here are some of the biggest lessons that I learned:
1/ Follow your curiosity

As a kid, I dreamed of making my own video games. But I never followed my curiosity and decided to get a "real" career.

Gaming is now a $152B industry and game mechanics prevail in consumer product development.
2/ Don't follow the herd

When I went to college, consulting and banking were the hot careers. They felt so selective that I had to give them a try.

I was young and insecure - I should've quit the moment that I found myself making PowerPoint slides at 4 am.
3/ Time > money

Becoming a parent has helped me realize how precious time is. Make every hour count - don't waste it chasing after money or clout doing something that you're not curious about.

Use money to make time if you can, not vice versa.
4/ Don't give up

Following your curiosity isn't easy and you'll likely hit a few brick walls. When you have doubts, remember this Jim Carrey quote:

"You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance at doing what you love."
5/ You are not your company

When I joined Facebook in 2013, I thought that I had landed in my dream company. I defined myself by my FB badge.

As much as I learned from FB, a company is just a place to work - your personal brand is much more important.
6/ Give, give, give

Giving is the best way to build your personal brand. Go out of your way to help people. Be humble and share what you learn publicly.

If you give all the time, you will find your tribe naturally.
7/ Seek constructive feedback

Don't try to make everyone happy, but listen to constructive feedback when it comes.

In my first PM job, I was told "Your sense of urgency too often comes across as impatience." It was a tough pill to swallow but made me a better person.
8/ Have stability at home

You can't have a good career if you don't have stability at home.

Bad relationships create a rollercoaster of emotions that prevent you from doing productive work.
9/ It's never too late to start again

There's no such thing as one dream career because people's goals change. It's ok to be a beginner again if your curiosity wants to take you elsewhere.

A quote from Reddit:

"Don't try to make your life a novel, make it a book of poems."
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