The keen savagery with which some men dish out abuse against women on social media tells us all we need to know about our dominance-based culture of masculinity. It is designed to encourage bullying, violence and rape. It's all right there in the words.
I can not and will not accept that boys are born this way. All the evidence we have shows that boys are born loving connecting creatures, who, by the time they reach adulthood are broken by a culture of masculinity designed to traumatize them into dominating all those around them
At best, men are unwilling to join in the violence against women, but millions of us fall silent in a maze of trauma, unable to see with clarity the ways in which our silence allows our sisters to suffer and die by the hands of most savage among us.
It's time for men to do our work and heal lifetimes of traumatic conditioning that leaves us unable to hear the cries of others. We must create a masculinity of connection and compassion. We must stand in the breach and defend our little sons' joyful loving need for connection.
No excuses. No more "But, I'm a good man." If we are not *actively* engaging in men's work to create a masculinity of compassion and connection, we are failing our little children, our families, our communities. Where to start? Seek out @mankindproject, @_evryman any men's group
More about dominance based masculinity.
You can follow @RemakingManhood.
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